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Everyone can participate in the Global Chain of Lights and Share Your Colours!

In an effort of global solidarity, you are invited to light or decorate your home with the Rare Disease Day colours at 7 PM your local time on 29 February 2024.

You can use garlands, social media filters, candles, disco lamps, colourful decorations… Let your creativity shine!

We suggest you take a picture of yourself with the illuminations or decorations you chose and publish it on your social media using our “Global Chain of Light” filters and #rarediseaseday.

We have prepared information and instructions for you in the attached document. Print it out or email it to friends!

Cover picture for the Light Up For Rare instructions


There is also a film for you to play on your TV or your laptop. Take a look and play it from your window!


You can also download the #lightupforrare video to your computer.

By Sharing Your Colours and shining a beacon from your home, office or your town, you are participating in awareness-raising and showing your solidarity. Collectively, we aim to change and improve the lives of 300 million people worldwide.

Though Rare Disease Day is community-led, everyone, including individuals, families, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, clinicians, policymakers, industry representatives and the general public can participate in raising awareness and taking action today for this vulnerable population who require immediate and urgent attention.

#slc6a1 #epilepsyawareness #arthursquestcharity #rarediseaseday2024 #drugrepurposing #raredisease #Space2BeMe

Please help us by sharing with your friends and family

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